Monday, August 12, 2013

Here We Go Again!

Well, it's time to make it official publicly. 

God has called us back to China! 

We've shared this news with family and some friends, but as we get ready to send our dossier to China, we're finally sharing on the blog (and FB). 

We always knew we wanted a younger sibling for Jia, we just didn't know when it would happen.  With Rachel graduating high school next year, we knew we had limited time for her to develop a relationship with her new sibling.  She has been such an important part of Jia's life, and we knew she'd be equally important in our next child's life. 

So....long story short (with God working out many details along the way), we're in the process of adopting a 4 year old girl from Hebei Province.  Her orphanage is about two hours south of Beijing by train.   Her name will be Jinny, which comes from her Chinese name Jin Ying.

Anyway, here is our sweetie. 

Her file had a recent update from March which included a video.  The video is what gave us so much peace about her.  We could see her little personality.  We could see how she was doing physically.  Her special need was so unusual that it sounded made up.  Clearly, that was why she sat on the shared list for so long.

I thank God for videos of these waiting kids.  They go a long way in getting children adopted.  The videos we took at Jia's orphanage helped get another child adopted who had been waiting on the shared list for years. 

I remember when we got a video of Jia about half way through her adoption process.  It was only about 15 seconds long, but it gave me so much peace and joy.  We could see who she was, and she was delightful. 

And she's still delightful and so eager to be a big sister.  I take many pictures of her, but rarely can I capture the sweet girl that we all know and love.  Between my lack of photog skills and her lack of smiling naturally for the camera (haha), it has been tough to capture what I want to capture. 

But I think I finally got a shot that I love!  Yay!


We would love your prayers during this time.  Prayers for health and safety for Jinny.  Prayers that she would be prepared and ready for a new family, and that God would soften her heart toward us.  Prayers that we would be prepared for a new addition to our family.  Prayers that we would be at peace and content with His timing of this adoption.  (OK, that last one was really just a prayer for me.)

We are so excited to be able to share this news with everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found your blog after doing a search for "adoption hebei." I recognize Jinny from the waiting children's lists!! Congratulations. I'd love to chat with you. Email me at if you are comfortable with that.
