Monday, December 19, 2011

Settling in Nicely...Except for the No Sleep Part

Jia is doing really great.  She is so resilient.  She loves having three older sisters and goes to them constantly.  Alli was even saying she had sore muscles, because she's been carrying her so much. 

Mike and Rachel went out yesterday to do some shopping.  They asked her if she wanted to go with them and got an emphatic no.  She loved playing outside with them, but had no intention of leaving mommy.  I think she and I will be joined at the hip for some time. 

I took her for her first shopping trip in the US today.  (She had plenty of that in China and was always eager to head out and explore.)  We just went to Target for a few things, mostly to get her acclimated and to get some food she will eat.  We've narrowed it down to chicken nuggets, french fries, and plain noodles.  Can you say bland?  Oh yeah, and yogurt drinks.  She can down some yogurt drinks.

While Jia slept great in China, she hasn't been sleeping well at night since we've been home, and she often wakes up saying she wants to eat.  To eliminate that as a reason to wake hourly all night long, we're trying to stuff her to the gills before bed.  Last night saw more hourly wake ups.  I'm guessing that her sleep clock is still on China time.  She is sleeping like a rock during the day at nap time.  So much so, that it takes us forever to wake her up.

Please pray that she would adapt to the new time zone soon.  I'm approaching zombie-like status on 2-4 hours of sleep a night. 

Here are a few more pictures of one of her favorite activities...cutting up paper. 

* Photography credit goes to Alli on all of these pictures.  Great job, Al!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the sleep thing! We have been home a little over 2 weeks. Kate has a hard time going down for naps and bed. She does sleep through now! Praying Jia does soon too!

    Welcome home!!

    BTW- Kate LOVES Target! I think that means she is mine;)
